Behavior Therapy Flyer (Instagram Post) by Chelsea Silveira Burgos

Parent-Led ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) is a method focused on intensive parent involvement, guided by skilled ABA practitioners. Supervised by Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs®) and supported by Clinical Assistants/BCaBAs® or Master’s-level practitioners, this approach emphasizes parental engagement in teaching essential ABA skills. The goal is to equip parents with tools to support their child's development, enhancing flexibility in daily routines. Whether during soccer practice, waiting rooms, or dinner, Parent-Led ABA integrates seamlessly into everyday life, empowering parents to nurture their child's progress. At Burgos Behavior, we recognize parents as experts in their child's life, collaborating with ABA expertise to maximize support and growth.

Utilizing your insurance benefits for our sessions usually requires a preauthorization process and progress reports to the insurance company, depending on your plan requirements.

Email today to discuss using your insurance benefits for services.

Once the insurance approves the assessment process:

Link: What To Expect During The Assessment Process